Turning Back The Clock
There are certain things us adults do to relive our childhood,to
turn back the clock,if you will.Some will contact old friends from high
school,and 'go down memory-lane',recalling certain events that happened
'back in the day'.Others will partake in hobbies and recreational
acitivities that they took up as teens and young kids even though they
are well past the age where this is normal.For example,today many men in
their 20's, 30s, even 40's, will play video games during their
free-time, like they did as teens and children, sometimes even playing
the same exact games that they played as kids.For me,there are a couple
articles of clothing that I have grown fond of wearing these days that
until recently,I hadn't worn since I was a young kid.As I mentioned in
my first article,I was born in 1979,so I grew up in the decade of the
1980's.Well,back in the early 1980's,when I was a lad of only a few
years old,there were two outfits,or articles of clothing that my parents
seemed to dress me in religiously.First were my overalls.If I wasn't
wearing jeans and a T-shirt with my favorite cartoon characters on it,I
was wearing overalls,mostly "Osh-Kosh B'Gosh" overalls
(the kids in these pictures are wearing the type of overalls I wore as
a kid).I have many old pictures of myself in old photo albums from the
early 1980's in which I was wearing these things.By the late 1980's,I
was mostly wearing jeans and sweat-shirts or T-shirts with sports logos
on them,and didn't go back to wearing overalls until about 10 years
ago,when I bought a pair in the late 1990's,and still have a couple
pairs of overalls I wear occasionally,and they remind me of my childhood
long ago when I wore these religiously as a young kid. For a
time,overalls were back 'in vogue' among adults in the late 1990's,
though I'm not sure how many were doing it to relive their childhoods
when they wore overalls quite frequently, like I did. The other article
of clothing that I've recently started wearing again that I hadn't worn
since I was a young lad in the early 1980's, and these are even more
likely to be worn by mostly little kids but seems to be making a bit of a
come-back in some circles among adults,were those famous (or
infamous),Doctor Denton pajamas,otherwise called blanket sleepers or
footed pajamas.Who doesn't remember wearing them as a little 4 year old?
The ones I wore as a little kid in the early 1980's were those ones
with the Winnie-the-Pooh patches on the left-chest,like I mentioned in
my first article
(In these pictures,the kids are wearing the same Winnie-the-Pooh
blanket sleepers I wore in the early 1980's).These were extra thick and
fuzzy and were terribly itchy on the inside,as I recall.I hated wearing
them as a little kid and thought that they were ugly,too.When I stopped
wearing them when I was 5 years old,I was happier than anything to be
rid of those annoying things,but some 10-15 years later,I was in a
clothing store and saw a pair of these huge pajamas with the feet in
them.I couldn't believe it! Boy,did it bring back a lot of childhood
memories,but I was surprised to see them in the adult sleepwear
department of this store,so as a gag,I decided to try them on,and boy
did that bring back memories of those Saturday morning cartoons that I
remember watching in my youth in the 1980's.From then on,I was hooked.I
loved how these things were one-piece (I hate when my pajama-shirt rolls
up on me at night,while I'm trying to sleep),and had feet attached
(saved me having to grab my slippers or socks in the morning),so I
bought the things and I've been wearing these fuzzy,all-in-one
pajama-suits (in adult-sized,of course),every winter since.I can't
believe I hated them as a little kid,or maybe,looking back on it now,I
really did like wearing these full-body,footed pajama-suits as a little
kid after-all.Well,those are the two articles of clothing that I wear
occasionally to relive my childhood as a "Child of the 80's"
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Posted 5 years 3 months ago
I remember the footed pajamas from when I was a kid too. I used
to have one that was solid orange, which has always been my favorite
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
My family was too poor to buy us pj's with characters.We just
slept in our underwear.Oh well,life goes on.And no I don't need
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
omg footed pjs, my mom bought me a pair once yellow with the
poohbear on it. I hated them so much I peed in them. She got so mad she
threw them out. That was the last I ever had to wear them. I was such a
brat as a child
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
I never had Osh-Kosh overalls just because my parents couldn't
afford it. I remember we couldn't even afford Buster Brown shoes
because they were too expensive.
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
lol I can remember the footed pjs, but not the overalls. I was
more a leggings child god how I hated them and look what everyone's
wearing now!
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
an artical about colothes how lame
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
Yeah, I had some of those footie pajamas. I remember not liking
the feet. They had this...plastic-y coating on them and mine started
to crack and got really uncomfortable.
As for some other articles of clothing (no pun intended), in the late 80s/early 90s, my mom always made me wear those stretchy stirrup pants. God, I hated those damn things! The stirrups would always come off my feet, or they would just hurt a lot. Whose dumb-ass idea was it to put stirrups on little girls' pants, anyway?
As for some other articles of clothing (no pun intended), in the late 80s/early 90s, my mom always made me wear those stretchy stirrup pants. God, I hated those damn things! The stirrups would always come off my feet, or they would just hurt a lot. Whose dumb-ass idea was it to put stirrups on little girls' pants, anyway?
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
Lame indeed, kids today still wear overalls and footed pjs and
they probably still will twenty years from now. Back pages please.
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
Where can you buy, the adult size body suit footed pj's???
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
"verno", go *F* yourself, you prick.
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
haha put your brain to rest.
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
The PJs were awesome, dude. I had em too. I had red and yellow
versions of the same stuff. And if I could wear them today and NO one
ever know, I'm sure I would too.
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
haha love the pjs, >< omg dungaress, i used to have ones made to look like a crocodile xD
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
When your article's comments page is plauged by a smartass the
thing to do is be an even bigger smartass that way the person who's
being a smartass is made to look like a right utter dick. Sorry but I
lack a better way of putting it. 
Posted 5 years 3 months ago
HA HA, i remember footie pajamas, i used to like them when i was
4. But i was a big overalls fan, they were my favorite thing to wear!
Posted 4 years 6 months ago
I remember these as well. I came across this website because I
used to have a pair of Winnie The Pooh Pajamas but it was different. A
nightgown that was red and white with a picture of Pooh in a nightcap
with a candle. Does anyone else know what I am talking about???? Early
80's because I was born in the mid 70's.
Posted 4 years 3 months ago
Big Feet Pajama Co. is the leading manufacturer of adult footed
jammies! We have over 40 different styles and colors to choose from.
Check us out at www.bigfeetpjs.com
Posted 4 years 1 month ago
I love overalls.
Posted 4 years 18 days ago
i HATE overalls!
Posted 3 years 5 months ago
I love overalls AND video games! I grew up during the 1960's and
1970's in overalls. I still have bib-overalls in my wardrobe! They are
so comfortable!
I have been playing video games since Atari! I play and collect Nintendo games.
I have been playing video games since Atari! I play and collect Nintendo games.
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