Friday, January 29, 2010, 6:00 AM Updated: Friday, January 29, 2010, 12:05 PM
I love a kid in footie pjs. There is just something scrumptious about a little munchkin zipped up in such snuggly warmth. Unfortunately, I have to reserve them for the coldest of nights, or these same cute, cuddly outfits become chambers of sweat and I awaken to midnight requests from flushed faces with sweat matted hair begging to change into something a little less boiling.
Now that my daughter’s 8- and crazy tall- finding footies that she’ll actually wear is an issue. I buy them even though she’s long lost the Teletubbie silhouette that's so adorable in these pajamas, just to steal a few more moments of having my baby girl. My son’s also growing so fast that he’s tearing through his supply of footie jammies like a paper shredder. Still, I'm hoping to find a few roomy pairs just to get through this season and next; problem is affordable footie pajamas are tough to find in larger kid sizes (ie:over a 5T).I like a challenge, so I hit the stores and the web for the best deals: I am a big fan of this surprisingly well stocked site, which also includes merchandise from Kmart. The value of Sear’s Toughskin 2-packs is hard to beat, but I like the looks of the Joe Boxer pajamas at Kmart: the Girl’s Panda Crossbones Blanket Sleeper are a hip, yet cute, steal on sale for $10.99. Ditto on the Joe Boxer Boy’s Skull and Crossbones, also adorable and affordable at $10.99. site offers $5 flat rate shipping on orders up to $50, free shipping on orders over $50. They have a wide variety of sleeper pjs for girls and boys in the $9.99-$14.99 range. They even had grown up sizes, although my husband frowns on my wearing them because it conjures up the image of shacking up with a gargantuan baby. It's a bit more ‘What Ever Happened to Baby Jane’ than ‘Ooooooh, YEAH, Baby!’ Target- My favorite big box store hits the bull’s-eye with price and design on blanket sleepers for big kids. They had many choices, but I thought the monkey pattern on their Circo sleeper was fun for girls and affordable at $12.99. The boy’s selection was more limited, but still good. I liked the Space pattern, also $12.99. Most of the sleepwear qualified for free shipping with orders of over $50.
Takeaway: I was a little surprised that places I’d normally hit- like Children’s Place and Lands' End were footie dry spots for big kid sizes.Still, there are many choices for hip, cozy footie pjs for big kids and grown-ups who want to stay warm or just young at heart. I’m happy to say I’ve got my kids’ pj wardrobes zipped up for another season or so now.
Share your thoughts below:
3 year old loves her footed pajamas! Her aunt gave them to her as a
present for her 3rd birthday from The fabrics are
soft and durable from being washed several times. The best part is they
have adult footed pajamas. When she has sleepovers I put my adult footed
pajamas on and join the girls!!
love, LOVE footsie jammies!!! I looked forever for the big kid sizes -
i can fit into kid sizes, but i couldn't find any that were past what
would fit a 6-year-old. Then last year i finally found some at Target!
The only problem was that they were adult sizes, so the small was still
huge for a shorter, smaller woman. Thanks for the article.
I absolutley love footed jammies, blanket sleepers, onesies.. I'm am adult, but it brings me back to a wonderful time as a little guy. I have ones that are almost identical to a Carters for kids, and I have one that is stretch terry with snaps down both legs, so easy and quick to get in and out of, soooo cozy, snuggly and warm.. I would love to see an adult version of Bonds -Wonder suites in adult sizes.. Hey, I'm just a big kid/baby lol in a bigger body lol