Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to Wear an Adult Blanket Sleeper in the Evening Hours

Wearing a blanket sleeper in the day could be challenging and wearing one at night could produce a struggle. But when it comes to wearing one in the evening hours leading up to your traditional sleeping time, wearing one could be a bit more challenging. If you want to adjust to wearing one during these hours when it's not dark enough to sleep but still bright enough to do simple tasks without much lighting going on, this article can give you the steps to wearing one during these awkward hours.


  1. Wear an Adult Blanket Sleeper in the Evening Hours Step 1.jpg
    Plan out your night. Make sure the evening can include mostly non-constructive tasks that can keep your mind busy, yet subtle in keeping your mind ready to drift off to Dreamland. Blanket sleepers can surely help you lounge around the house while watching TV or reading a book or doing something that won't involve much work, but don't plan on doing any extensive room-by-room cleaning, when wearing them.
  2. Wear an Adult Blanket Sleeper in the Evening Hours Step 2.jpg
    Decide if you are absolutely ready and comfortable enough to wear one now. Determine if this time is "the time" when you must ready yourself for "sleep mode". It could be many hours before you end up taking them off. Although most people who begin to wear blanket sleepers only during the evening, tend to remove them the next morning, (either after "accidentally" falling asleep with them on, or for some other reason), many feel good enough to leave them on until they must remove them for other projects that are less comfortable.
  3. Wear an Adult Blanket Sleeper in the Evening Hours Step 3.jpg
    Make sure to provide a serene setting, in which you can encase yourself into a blanket sleeper again. Close all your drapes. Turn on some ambient lighting and set the room's music level to some low-action "romantic-like" music, for which you can perform this one evening's tasks in.
  4. Wear an Adult Blanket Sleeper in the Evening Hours Step 4.jpg
    Make sure to assemble the things you have chosen to do (to keep things calm and collected) in an easy-to-reach place, where you can just reach over (while wearing the sleeper) and grab the selected item. Whether that low-intensity item is a book, or television remote control or something else that will help you adjust to this piece of loungewear( and thereby get yourself ready for "sleep mode"), it's best that you get everything ready for the evening hours.
  5. Wear an Adult Blanket Sleeper in the Evening Hours Step 5.jpg
    Become health-conscious and see for the good emotional values it takes to wear one during the evening.
  6. Wear an Adult Blanket Sleeper in the Evening Hours Step 6.jpg
    Have a good reason ready for why you are wearing them, should other people come over to see you in your house or apartment that evening. Be sure to state to yourself this reason why. Even though you'd be escaping those hours when daytime use yields problems and escaping those hours that night-only use proves challenging to endure, evening use it different when others may end up coming over.
  7. Wear an Adult Blanket Sleeper in the Evening Hours Step 7.jpg
    Try them on, and don't complain. Becoming courageous is something many people can muster, even though most people's minds are set to remove something that's seen as childlike, fairly-quickly. Embrace your inner child every night, if you are not courageous enough to show it off to yourself and others.
    • Sit down on a padded seat, take a cleansing breath in and release your breath after a few seconds have elapsed. This will provide for a more-confident feel, knowing that you are now "at peace" with your mind and body. Don't scream or do anything harsh to make you want to remove the blanket sleeper itself from this point until you remove the garment the next morning.
  8. Wear an Adult Blanket Sleeper in the Evening Hours Step 8.jpg
    Change yourself (much like you would have your own children) into the blanket sleeper in the same room as the ambient lighting has been set to be adjusted with. Most adults have to drape their legs over the edge of the flat surface (such as a bed) or a soft-carpeted floor, because they are much larger than that of a child.

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