Thursday, June 30, 2016

Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child: Proper Bedtime Clothes

 Can you give a guide of how to dress a baby for sleep by temperature? (I find it so hard to figure out what my babe should wear in this in between weather when the house temp is 72…but then drops to 68!).

This is a great question! It is often difficult to gauge how best to dress our little ones when the temperature can easily swing one way or the other over the course of a night. My advice is to take a good look at how you would dress yourself for bed and then dress your little one accordingly. As most babies and young toddlers are too small for a blanket, what I would suggest is a long sleeve t-shirt or onesie under a heavier weighted sleep sack (fleece or velboa) along with a pair of socks. The sleep sack would take the place of a blanket and sheet that we grownups would normally use.  Baby clothing store/brand Carters also makes a great option they call a sleep bag that is fleece and has long sleeves and a zipper in the front. All your baby would need underneath is a onesie and socks and they are all set.

Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child: Sound Sleep While the Temperate Plummets

Once the weather has finally grown cold and we have entered into winter, I would suggest that parents of babies and young toddlers dress their little ones in a footed sleeper with a heaver weight sleep sack over top.  Depending on how cold your house gets in the winter, you may even want to make the footed pajamas fleece as well or be sure to add a onesie under the attire.  Our house usually dips down to 66 degrees at night during the winter months so I make sure that I dress both of my daughters appropriately.  BUT…while my older daughter tends to catch a chill easier, my younger daughter is definitely the furnace of the family.  That little girl gives off some incredible heat!  And since, as I have discussed in previous blogs that an overheated child will find it harder to sleep, and may cause a SIDS risk, I take this into consideration when I dress her for bed.  Usually we dress her in thinner long sleeve pajamas under a fleece sleep sack with some nice warm socks.  Sometimes I’ll even leave her onesie on if I feel it’s especially cold.
But I will admit, to new parents, knowing what is right can definitely be confusing.  We all want to make sure that we send our babies off to dreamland prepared for the night ahead, but then I remember as a first time mom also being nervous that my daughter would be too hot or too cold.  Confidence in this comes with time and experience.  And also a bit of experimentation.Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child

Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child: How To Check If Your Baby Is Too Cold?

A good way to check if your baby is too cold is to touch their core (stomach). If it is nice and warm then you are great. If it feels a bit chilly, add an additional layer. This piece of advice goes for daytime as well as night time too.
I do hope this bit of information helps my readers that are new parents.  I love the transition from summer to fall and then fall to winter.  Winter makes some great sleeping weather!  I just wish mother nature would decide it’s Fall already!  I’m ready for the beautiful fall foliage.
Sweet Dreams!

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