Friday, October 5, 2012

Article about blanket sleepers from

Fleece Sleeper

Babies typically spend a whole lot of time in their pajamas, sometimes all day long, so this is one article of clothing that should always be very comfortable for them to wear. Most parents quickly discover that a fleece sleeper is usually the best choice for a baby. Fleece sleepers come in several different styles. Some have feet, others are loose, open legged styles that are designed to be more appropriate for milder weather, and others are footless but have elastic or drawstring openings.
Most fleece sleepers will have snaps or fasten with zippers or even Velcro. Buttons are usually considered a no-no because of the potential choking hazard if they were to be pulled off and swallowed. You can also find fleece sleepers that are more of a sleeping bag style, without legs. These are often easier to use with newborns and tiny babies, as they will be far easier to get on and off when you arent trying to fit wiggly little legs into the right places.
Fleece makes a perfect material for pajamas and sleepers. It is soft against your babys sensitive skin, and will keep them plenty warm on cold nights. Fleece is a breathable material, so your baby wont get overheated. Fleece sleepers are appropriate for any season, as well, since you can find a lightweight fleece sleeper that is more appropriate for warm weather, as well as a thicker fleece sleeper for chilly weather. Higher quality fleece materials wont pill, and they are very durable for machine washing and drying.
      Below: a fleece sleeper is about the warmest and coziest choice in baby sleepwear; green fleece sleeper by Old Navy; a blue and a red fleece sleeper, both by Baby Gap.

Fleece Sleeper examples
Fleece material can be found in every color under the sun, and many different adorable patterns. Choose from perfect primary colors for boys or patterns like dinosaurs, cars and animals. Choices for girls may include pretty pastels, princess patterns, flowers, or butterflies. You will want to have many fleece sleepers on hand, in a variety of different sizes and styles, to accommodate your babys needs and keep them comfortable and cozy as they grow!

Baby Sleeper

Every parent wants to keep their baby as cozy and comfortable as possible, especially when it comes to sleepwearall parents appreciate the beauty of a comfortably snoozing baby! Finding the right baby sleeper is important. There are many different styles and varieties that parents can choose from. Deciding whether to use a baby sleeper that is a pajama style or a sleeping bag style may be the first choice to consider.
Pajama-style baby sleepers are often made from fleece or other super soft materials. It is important that any material used not only be soft and warm, but also breathable to prevent your baby from becoming too warm while sleeping, and to allow moisture to evaporate so your baby doesn't become sweaty and then get chilled from that moisture. Pajama-style baby sleepers should fit wellnot be too loose, since this can be a suffocation hazard, and not be too tight because this can restrict your babys ability to move freely while they sleep or play. The baby sleepers that are designed more like sleeping bags should also be properly fitted for the same reasons.
You can use a baby sleeper year round, depending on the material or fabric that it is made from. Heavier fleece materials are obviously more appropriate for cold weather, but because fleece is a breathable fabric, it can still be quite comfortable for your baby even during warmer weather. The softness will always comfort your baby and feel nice against their skin while they sleep.
     Below: a baby sleeper is a one-piece pajama style sleeper, and can be footless or footed; a camouflage print sleeper by Camo Baby; white with blue print and cuffs by Hanna Andersson; Elvis-style sleeper by Baby Pants; baseball team (Yankees) print sleeper by Arms Reach.

Baby Sleeper examples
Baby sleepers should always be treated with a flame retardant for safety purposesdo not purchase any that do not make this claim. Without this treatment, fleece is a highly flammable material and should not be used for sleeping. When you purchase a baby sleeper, you will notice right on the tag that it has been treated to be flame retardant and is safe to use for sleeping.

Blanket Sleeper

Using a blanket sleeper to keep your baby warm at night eliminates the potential hazards of using heavy blankets. One of the leading causes of infant death is SIDS, and one of the suspected causes of SIDS is overheating or suffocation. A blanket sleeper is typically worn as a substitute for a blanket over your babys regular pajamas.
A blanket sleeper is simply a sleeping bag with arm holes. It will typically zip up the front or snap shut. Some types of blanket sleepers will have Velcro or drawstring closures at the bottom. It is easy to get your baby in and out of a blanket sleeper, making it an attractive option for those middle of the night diaper changes when you are trying to disturb your baby as little as possible!
Blanket sleepers are often made from soft fleece materials, cotton or jersey knits. All sleepwear made for children is required to be treated with a flame retardant for safety. Heavier types of blanket sleepers are more appropriate for the colder weather, but even when it is mild out you will still want to use at least a light blanket for your baby at night, and a thin blanket sleeper can easily do the trick. Even the heavy fleece types are breathable, which helps prevent your baby from becoming overheated during the night.
     Below: a blanket sleeper can be a baby sleeping blanket with holes for arms, or it can more commonly refer to any baby sleeper including pajama-style sleepers; pink and purple sleepers by Tough Skins; gray with prints by My Body; khaki green and gray by Gerber; blue by Carter.

Blanket Sleeper examples
Proper fitting of a blanket sleeper is important. It should not be too loose (this makes it a potential suffocation risk), nor should it be too tight (this can restrict your babys movement or possibly cause them to become overheated). Parents may want to keep a few different styles and sizes on hand, since babies grow quickly and you may even need different sizes depending on what pajamas your baby is wearing underneath the blanket sleeper. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this nice blog post.It is really informative post. This blog provides advantages about baby blanket sleeper. For more information-
    Baby blanket sleepers
