Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blanket or No Blanket?

Penny - posted on 11/18/2010 ( 8 moms have responded )
I have read that babies should sleep without being covered with Blankets until they are at least 1 year old??? Anyone else hear of this?

My son is just over 3mths old and kicks all night long so a blanket is a waste of time. I worry the room is too cool without a blanket (NB winter is coming!) and don't want to overheat him thou. I also read that some mothers keep the room cool and put onesies & socks under their sleepers.

He use to sleep thru the night (well sleep 5hrs then a feeding, then sleep for 4 more)...now he is waking in 4hrs to feed, in 2hrs to be snuggled, in 2 more hrs to feed..2 more to snuggle...then 30mins up for the day :( which is usually around 5am (INSERT YAWN HERE!)

How are you dressing your babies for bed? Blanket ..or no Blanket...etc?


Alison - posted on 12/01/2010
My son is three months and loves to be swaddled. He sleeps with an undershirt and then a cozy sleeper and swaddled tight. he has been sleeping through the night since he was 3 weeks old. i find that the swaddle greatly reduces the startle reflex, and that keeps babies sleeping.
Kandy - posted on 01/23/2011
When they say no blankets they are referring to bigger heavier blankets, not the swaddle blankets. This fear is that the blanket is going to be too heavy for the child to move and thus suffocation is possible. When my son was able to start rolling over (both ways) our pediatrician said that it was fine to put a thin crib blanket in his crib. He was too big for swaddling at that point. Once they can stand up and have good control over themselves the blanket rules lightens up a bit. We also did room temperature maintenance too. We adjusted vents so that his room was more comfy when he was younger so that a blankie was not needed. So just remember nothing heavy and big. Something like a swaddle blanket is fine. Once he can roll over both ways you can got a bit bigger.They are just trying to reduce the risk of suffocation. We put him in a full sleeper, no onesie by it's self just in case of big temperature dips. We would sometimes put a onesie under his sleeper if it was supposed to get cold. We made sure that his feet were always covered. Hope some of this helps.
Kunang - posted on 11/30/2010
I found keeping the room at a nice temp. works well. Although its not good for the electricity bill. I normally have her in a singlet jumpsuit, swaddle and blanket plus the heater on to make the room more comfortable. She does kick the blanket off but because the room is warm it doesn't bother her that much. She sleeps from 8 till 5-6 for a feed then till about 9-10... she LOVES sleep. I'm very lucky.


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Kori - posted on 03/11/2011
I swaddle my 6.5 month old and then put blankets on...I tried the little baby sleeping bags but he still kicked the blankets off!
[deleted account]
I use a blanket for my son. My cousin and another friend both used the sleep bags. They are sort of like a fleese sleeping bag with no arms. That way, the blanket never falls off and he can't kick them off either. I've never tryed them and don't have a problem with just a blanket. My son does kick his feet sometimes when going to bed, he also likes to pull the blanket over his head, but I'm fine with that. I check on him once he's asleep and adjust the blanket if needed. Do what you want to do, but hope this helped.
Lisa - posted on 11/19/2010
He sleeps from about 9 to 3 or 4. he loves being swaddled so much we have to swaddled him to get him to eat. but it has to be a tight swaddle or he gets out of it and crys
Lisa - posted on 11/19/2010
My son is 3 months old and I swaddle him really tight so he cant kick the blanket off him

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